
Afful Consulting offers a variety of facilitations that are geared for companies that have anywhere from 2 employees to 100,000 employees. There is no entity that is too small to work with, and no entity that is too large to work with. Please click on the workshop that you are interested in.

When it comes to different ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and genders, conflict can arise. It can be for many reasons like presumption, assumption, and just lack of knowledge to name a few. The following are the different diversity facilitations that we offer.

  • When it comes to different ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and genders, conflict can arise. It can be for many reasons like presumption, assumption, and just lack of knowledge to name a few. The following are the different diversity facilitations that we offer.

    1. Designing Diversity Training that works:  Diversity councils are pushing for training, but a lot of them don't necessarily know their company's current business practices, or their company's organizational culture.  As a result they do not know which specific goals or objectives are necessary to successfully launch a diversity initiative, and therefore lose steam down the line without finding resources through diversity.  This causes lost opportunities to find innovative ways to increase revenue through diversity.

    2. Managing Four different generations in the workplace:  For the first time in history there are four different generations working together in the workplace, Baby Boomers, Matures, Gen. X, and the newly introduced Gen Y.  With reports of increasing longevity, and declining fertility, employers want to know how to manage and keep good employees regardless of what age they are.

    3. Introduction to Cultural Diversity: At this point in time, almost every area of life- work time, leisure time, school, and even family leads to communication with others that have cultural differences from your own. Different cultures perceive situations differently.  This should be taken into consideration at the workplace.

    4. Global Diversity Training: An in depth study of different countries business practices, norms, and values.

    5. Customized Diversity Training:  At times a specific diversity workshop has to be developed depending on the company’s goals, missions and values.  Customized diversity training is designed specifically for you and the individual situation that you may be facing.  Afful Consulting has researchers on hand to review your individual situation, and research any and all information that would pertain to that situation. At that point the lead consultant would develop a customized diversity facilitation in conjunction with the company’s delegated official. This facilitation would be tailor made to benefit who matters most. You! 


Leadership Training

Leaders are put in their position for a lot of reasons. One reason could be that they have proven themselves over and over again. This is not an easy task to accomplish, but they accomplished it nonetheless. Now as leaders they are faced with a new challenge, to motivate other people to prove themselves over and over again. This task is more challenging then the first task due to the fact that before the leaders just had to be self motivated, now they have to be great motivators. Proper training will reveal barriers to good leadership, show how to demonstrate strategy and vision, review the importance of integrity, and cover how to build confidence.


Harassment Training

Harassment can be the unfortunate side effect of a work environment that lacks the combination of written policies and training. Harassment can seriously damage employee moral, and productivity. Harassment training can limit or annul damages that otherwise would have occurred. Proper harassment training explains harassing conduct, reviews the most common forms of harassment, identifies signs or harassment, and explains how to handle situations in which an individual may be engaging in harassing activity. When people think about the word harassment they immediately think sexual. This is not the only harassment that exists. Conduct, whether intentional or unintentional that makes an individual or specific party uncomfortable and unable to perform their job can be construed as harassment. With proper training, all employees can work in a comfortable harassment free environment.


Team Improvement Training

There are a number of reasons why good teams can turn out bad results. Some of the indicators that bad results are on the way are un-focused team meetings, divisions in the team as a result of dissension, no particular obtainable goal, and not being inclusive. These are just some indicators that a team is not operating at its fullest potential. Proper training will develop team leaders, determine relatedness of meeting topics, review why teams fail, and create individual accountability.


Quality Customer Service

The word customer service has been around forever. Most employees in a customer driven market believe that they know how to provide good customer service. In some situations this is the case, and unfortunately in some situations this isn’t the case. Good customer service boils down to what the customer considers good service. What a customer defines as good service can differ from person to person, and the company that provides the service or product to the customer can’t afford to get it right only half of the time. Proper training will review how to make work meaningful, the importance in attitude, explain how customers re-shape business, and reveal how to develop customer loyalty. Training will also review the basics. The basics are the minimal things that all customers expect. After basics are achieved then an organization can fine tune for there specific customer base.


Legal Aspects in Interviewing

Many interviewers unknowingly violate candidates rights everyday with an unstructured interview process.  Of course this isn’t intentional, but when a discrimination lawsuit is brought up as a result, the judge doesn’t care whether it was intentional or not. 

What happens a lot times is Joe Worker started working at XYZ Nut Grinding Company when he was 18.  As time went on, Joe did his job well and was promoted several times.

As a result Joe is now a manager and is now handling job interviews for his department.

He is one of the first impressions that job candidates have of XYZ Nut Grinding Company.  Since Joe Worker has worked there he has done very little outside of his immediate department, and doesn’t know the first thing about interviewing, not to mention what is legally right, and wrong.  This is especially important when interviewing a member of a protected class.

If you don’t know what a protected class is, this may be the class for you!

Hazard Communications

Hazardous substances are used everyday, sometimes knowingly, and unknowingly. Either way, the individual using the substance should be properly protected. Training should be provided for the employees that will be working with the hazardous substance. This training will teach the individual the right way to use, handle, and store hazardous substances as well as how to read, and understand labels and material safety data sheets. A hazardous substance can be anything from the White Out that you use to correct mistakes on paper to something toxic.


Employee Retention

In some cases due to a specific circumstance or situation that keeps recurring, employees become dissatisfied. It becomes extremely costly when an employer has to keep filling the same position every 6-9 months. In a lot of cases the problem is one or two things that may be in a managers power to adjust. Proper training will show what makes good employees leave, review why reasons are different for different people, show how supervisors can make work meaningful to employees, and cover a brief study of the different generations in the workforce today. Training like this should also enable managers to properly diagnose situations that keep occurring that may be abrasive to employees.

Customized Training

Times change just like the season. There is a time and a season for everything that may occur. At times a specialized workshop has to be developed for one specific situation or group of people. Customized training is designed specifically for you and your individual situation that you may be facing. We understand that people are unique, and at times one conclusion for a company may not work for the next company. Afful Consulting has researchers on hand to review your individual situation, and research any and all information that would pertain to that situation. At that point the lead consultant would develop a customized training facilitation in conjunction with the company’s delegated official. This facilitation would be tailor made to benefit who matters most. You!